Add or remove managers to your page

The page owner can invite additional people to manage the page. Keep in mind that there’s a limit of 50 managers per page, and only 20 people per day can be invited to manage a page.

Only an owner can add or remove managers to a page, however, a manager may remove himself or herself from a page.

Access your page management options by selecting Pages from the Google+ main navigation and clicking managers associated with the Page you’d like to change.


Adding managers

  • Log in to Google My Business and choose the page you’d like to manage
  • On the left-hand side of the screen, select the Users icon
  • On the top right side of the ‘Manage Permissions‘ box, select the icon with Plus Sign (when you hover over the icon it reads, Invite New Users)
  • Input the e-mail address of the account you’d like to add as a manager
  • Below the input section, select the role as Manager
  • Click, Invite 

This page displays all the active managers as well as people who have been invited to become managers. When a manager invitation is accepted, the owner of the page will be notified via email. The owner and all managers can view the names and email addresses listed on this page.

You can cancel pending invitations by clicking the X in the row with the invitation you want to remove.

Removing managers

To remove a manager, or remove yourself as a manager of a page:

Log in to Google My Business and choose the page you’d like to manage.
Click the gear icon next to your business name and choose Settings.
Click the Managers tab in top navigation menu.
Click the X associated with the person you’d like to remove.
When a manager is removed, both the former manager and the page owner will be notified and told who removed them.

When you remove a manager, they’ll no longer be able to act as that page, or take any kind of administrative actions. However, all of that manager’s past posts, comments, and other actions will remain intact.