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Facebook Rolls Out New Feature

By January 26, 2015 January 19th, 2020 Social Media

Towards the end of December 2014, Facebook announced they will be rolling out a new feature for Business Pages: a call-to-action feature that will help Pages drive business objectives. This new feature was designed to bring a business’s most important objective to the highly-visible center of its Facebook presence.

Here are the available actions to choose from right now:

  1. Book Now
  2. Play Game
  3. Watch Video
  4. Contact Us
  5. Shop Now
  6. Use App
  7. Sign Up

How it works:

Page admins can choose from the calls-to-action listed above and link it to any destination (on or off Facebook). This feature makes your cover photo even more important because of the location of the CTA button. It’s important to be sure the design of the photo doesn’t make the button less visible to the Facebook fans who aren’t used to seeing it there. Or, you could possibly use the cover photo to draw attention to the new CTA.

At Clix, we recently set up the call-to-action button on our own Facebook page. We decided to use the “Watch Video” option in order to take our fans to our company Vimeo account so they can watch our client testimonials. We are eager to see the results that accrue over the next few weeks. Please stay tuned so we can share our results!


If you’ve been testing the CTA button, let us know what results you’ve found!

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