
PPC Spotlight: Time For A Creative Refresh

The ads in your PPC campaign are extremely important contributors to the success of your campaign and reaching your marketing goals. When optimizing the components of a campaign, take time to analyze how your current creative copy is performing and test new variations to improve performance.

 Why Creative Optimization Is Important

  1. Stand Out From The Crowd! Testing new ad copy messaging adds freshness to your PPC campaign and can help your ad stand out from the competition.
  2. Adjust For New Formats. Search engines switch up ad formats constantly to improve user experience; create new ad variations to align with changing formats.
    • Example: Google recently introduced a new mobile ad format, only displaying your ad headline and description line 1. Due to this, you should add a mobile specific ad to your campaign with the CTA in the beginning of your ad since it may not display in description line 2.
  3. Address Changes in Offerings & Seasonality. What your target audience is looking for and the products/promotions you offer can change throughout the year; update your ads to promote the latest.
  4. Learn From The Past. See what messaging and CTAs have worked for you to date and which have not; build from these key insights to create new effective ads and improve conversion rate.
  5. Be Relevant, Speak To Your Target Audience. The more relevant your ad is to the keyword being searched, the better quality score the search engine assigns which helps your ad rank and reduces costs.

Getting started on a creative refresh can seem daunting, so to make it more approachable, come up with a plan and approach optimization like a process. First, conduct an audit of your account(s) and determine which campaigns could benefit from ad copy optimization. If you have a significant number of ad groups to optimize, identify the top groups that could use optimization and start from there, working your way down the list.

You may not think that introducing new ad copy will make a large impact on your campaign—especially considering the tight restrictions on character limits you are working with—but this is not the case! Improving the relevancy of your ad, trying new CTAs, and adjusting ad formats can greatly improve your quality score, CTR, CVR, and can ultimately reduce costs.

More tips and tricks from Search Engine Land.