
One-Man Shows

Ok, so this article is about learning the ins and outs of SEO. I will tell you every single secret, trick and strategy in the book. So, get out your notepad and let’s get to work.

Yeah right! I might as well tell you the secret ingredient that’s in my mom’s chili. But, I will tell you this. SEO is not a matter of this secret or that secret. In fact, on-page and off-page SEO strategies can be broken down into two basic concepts. Firstly, on-page SEO requires relevance (something I talk about on a regular basis). Secondly, off-page SEO is just a matter of spreading your site around the internet amongst various sites that are relevant to yours. There I go with relevance again. You’ll have to read one of my last blog posts to understand my thought process on the importance of relevance.

Now, are there more detailed components to on-page and off-page SEO? Of course, it’s not as simple as it sounds and in some cases it’s not nearly as hard as it sounds either! But, no matter how basic or difficult SEO may be sometimes, there are elements to general online marketing strategies like search engine optimization that separate SEO agencies from “one-man” shows (which should be avoided).

Why does it make sense to avoid one-man shows?

In the end, always consider using an SEO company over a one-man show. It makes more sense to have your money invested in a team of people who are capable of working on your search marketing strategy rather than pay to have someone simply outsource your SEO to other people across the world.