
St Louis Cardinals fans – Who to follow on Twitter

Cardinals spring training is underway, and Cardinal nation can’t wait to see their world champion team take to the field. Here at the Clix Group, a St. Louis SEO and Social Media firm, we’ve been scouring the digital world for the best tools to enhance your Cardinals 2012 season experience.

Twitter has become one of the most popular media outlets for sports fans. Fans, players, and reporters alike turn to Twitter to discuss their favorite MLB team.

Who could forget this little gem

Cardinal’s players on Twitter

While some players use Twitter to embarrass themselves (see above), most players offer some fun and interesting insights on the team, the game, and life as a major league baseball player, including some of your favorite Cardinals:

@dfreese23 – David Freese

@MattHolliday7 – Matt Holliday

@jonjayU – Jon Jay

@DanielDescalso – Daniel Descalso

@CarlosBeltran15 – Carlos Beltran

@ESanhcez52 – Eduardo Sanchez

AND, for the real inside scoop, be sure to follow Torty, Allen Craig’s pet tortious @TortyCraig.

An excerpt of the tweets from @TortyCraig

Cardinals organization on Twitter

While the players might give a behind the scenes look at the game, to really look behind the scenes, you have to follow the people who work behind the scenes. These members of the Cardinals organization are very active on twitter and offer a unique perspective on the team.

@StlBirdBrian – Brian Bartow, Cardinals director of media relations

@TunesSTl – Chris Tunno, Cardinals media relations specialist

@ScottRovak – Scott Rovak, Cardinals photographer

@jHaukap – Jared Haukap, Cardinals video editor (get on his good side and he might even put you on the big screen at a game)

Cardinals reporters on Twitter

More interested in keeping up with the Cardinals’ news via Twitter? Follow these reporters:

@DGoold – Derrick Goold, baseball writer for the St. Louis Post Dispatch

@JoeStrauss – Joe Strauss, Cardinals beat writer for the St. Louis Post Dispatch

@miklasz – Bernie Miklasz, sports columnist for the St. Louis Post Dispatch

@LangoschMLB – Jennifer Langosch, Cardinals reporter for

@MatthewHLeach – Matthew Leach, baseball writer for

And don’t forget to follow the official Cardinals twitter, @Cardinals. You can find a more extensive list of Cardinals organization members on twitter here, but several of these accounts appear inactive.

Got any other must follow tweeps for the St. Louis Cardinals? Leave them in the comments. Go Cardinals! #12in12