
Google Updates Search: Six Degrees of Bacon

SEOs have been waiting for the latest update to Google search. Far from the feared Penguin update that we are anticipating, this change is quite delicious.  Bacon Number (yes, that is the official name) calculates the degree of separation of actors and actresses from Kevin Bacon.

The Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon is a theory that any celebrity can be linked to Kevin Bacon by six or fewer degrees of separation. Bacon’s extensive resume and reputation for working with just about everyone makes it difficult to find an actor with a Bacon Number over 2 or 3.

To find the Bacon Number of an actor, just type “Bacon Number” (without quotation marks) followed by the actor’s name.


The result utilizes Google’s Knowledge Graph to create a simple list at the top of the results page.

There are some qualms about what qualifies a person to have a Bacon Number. Anne Frank, for example, has a Bacon Number of 3, despite never having appeared personally in a film. In this case Google has applied the use of her photo in an educational film for a personal experience. Personally, I don’t think that should count.

Searches for celebrity Bacon Numbers reveals some other surprising connections.

Snooki, yes Jersey Shore Snooki, has a Bacon number of 3.

Kevin is not impressed.

Justin Bieber’s is 4. Even former Cardinal’s player Albert Pujols has a 4 ranking!

What are some more surprising Bacon Numbers that you found? Let us know in the comments!